Living with Chronic Illness: Faith, Homemaking, and Homesteading

Living with a chronic illness can be an overwhelming and challenging journey. For over a decade, I have faced the unrelenting pain and inflammation of fibromyalgia, a condition often misunderstood and misdiagnosed by traditional Western medicine. Alongside fibromyalgia, I have also dealt with the slow but steady degeneration of my spine, which has led to difficult decisions regarding my health and treatment options. Despite these hardships, I have chosen to finally stop ignoring these problems and embrace a holistic approach, forgoing medications and surgery.

Understanding Chronic Illness: Fibromyalgia and Spinal Degeneration

Fibromyalgia is a complex disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and cognitive issues. Unfortunately, traditional medicine often fails to grasp the full complexity of this condition, leaving many sufferers feeling frustrated and misunderstood. Even as a nurse, I flat-out refused to accept my diagnosis until about a year ago because I thought it was a made-up disease.

In 2020, an MRI revealed the extent of my spinal issues, with bulging discs and herniation causing central stenosis and spinal cord impingement from T7-8 through T9-10. Faced with the recommended option of surgery and its potential impact on my quality of life, I opted to ignore my results and just tried to choose weight loss and diet change to help at least relieve some stress on my spine. After losing over thirty pounds on the ketogenic diet, I had some musculoskeletal improvement and inflammation had decreased, but my weight loss stalled, and I knew I needed to lose more weight, but exercising wasn’t something I was committed to.

Flash Forward: A Tumultuous Few Months

Just recently, my chronic pain took an unexpected turn, presenting symptoms that seemed unrelated to my existing conditions. A CT scan with contrast revealed a small benign tumor on one of my kidneys (praise God), as well as further spinal degeneration and disc disease at the lower levels of my back, specifically L4-5 and L5-S1 respectively.

Finding Strength in Faith

Throughout this journey, my unwavering faith in God has been a source of strength and comfort. The Bible verse "and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding" (Philippians 4:7, ESV) encapsulates the solace I find in my faith. It is natural to experience emotions like fear and distress, which believe me I surely did when I misread part of my CT scan results (I was a mess), but as humans, we are called to find inner peace through our faith in God.

Embracing Homesteading and Homemaking

One may wonder how I manage to carry on with homesteading, homemaking, and everything else while dealing with chronic pain and health challenges. The answer lies in my profound connection to nature and the land God has provided. Working inside cooking and baking and outside, tending to my chickens, gardening, and striving toward self-sufficiency brings me immense joy and a sense of purpose. Especially as my kids get a little older, and their independence grows, I am able to do more and more and that is a wonderful thing.

Furthermore, I have learned over the past several years that when I consistently take care of my body through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and staying mindful of my health choices, it is so much easier to cope with my conditions more effectively. And let’s be honest, we all know this don’t we? We know that when we consciously take care of our bodies, we feel better. Honoring the body God has given us is essential, as it allows us to fully engage in the tasks and activities we cherish.

Living with a chronic illness has taught me that life goes on despite its challenges. I have dreams and goals, and I refuse to let my health struggles hinder my progress. We get one go guys, that’s it, it’s really that simple. Through a newfound and holistic approach to managing my conditions, supported by my faith, I have found the strength to carry on. Embracing the land, working outdoors, and focusing on a healthy lifestyle have all contributed to my well-being, both physically and emotionally.

As I continue my journey, I hope my story serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. We may face adversities, but with faith and determination, we can navigate through the darkest of times. Life is a precious gift, and by honoring our bodies and turning to God for guidance, we can find peace and purpose in the face of chronic illness.


Thriving Together: The Beauty of Combined Finances in Our Homesteading Journey